Globytes is seeking Enterprise Solution Architect. Master's w/ 3 yrs exp or Bachelor's w/ 5 yrs exp; Major: CS, CIS, Engg, Math or equiv...more
Case Study
Synapse Group Inc.,
Based in Stamford, CT, Synapse Group, Inc. is the largest magazine agent in the world. Synapse is a 300 person $300 million subsidiary of TimeWarner Inc. Synapse Group, Inc is one of very few organizations in USA employing the state of art organization structure, SDLC and security standards.
The Challenge – Synapse had grown from a start up to a midsize company in a very short time frame. At the same time it had grown from a standard business hours organization to a 24x7 operation, complete with e-commerce sites and critical overnight batch processing of data. Synapse needed a fast, cost-effective way to support this growing business. Synapse tried several different approaches. The first one was to let the existing staff handle it alone. Then Synapse tried to form a 24 x 7 group, which shares the responsibilities. These approaches started falling apart, since these approaches had its staff work more than 8 hours a day plus many on call shifts, which directly related to employee dissatisfaction Considering the cost and complexities of starting a 24 x 7 operation in-house, Synapse started looking out for vendor who could support such activity.
The Solution – After comprehensive analysis, Synapse tried Globytes, a managed service provider, with its main operational presence in India however having management presence in the USA. Synapse initially outsourced minimal services such as monitoring to Globytes. With extreme satisfaction with the services provided by Globytes, Synapse awarded more and more services to Globytes such as managing applications, batch processes and databases. Globytes competitive pricing structure enabled Synapse to meet its business requirements within its budget.
Key Benefits – According to Synapse CTO and Vice President, Shane O’Neill, Globytes has taken Synapse’s 24 x 7 operations to an unbelievable level. Unlike its other vendors providing similar services, Globytes managed service supports not only the company's online applications, but also its batch processes, Oracle databases, Unix and NT systems. This has enabled Synapse to cut additional overhead and costs by completely eliminating the need to hire and manage a 24 x 7 operations team. Shane O’Neill believes that Globytes has been a true partner and that its operational support has been instrumental with increasing the efficiencies of the whole organization. Globytes enables Synapse staff now to sleep well at night, peacefully, keeping their systems up and running 24 x 7.